What Is the St. Jude Apostolate?

Share in our Ministry
All apostolate members, individuals or families, share in the prayers and good works of the Dominican Order.
The purpose of the Saint Jude Apostolate is to further the devotion to Saint Jude, “Patron of Difficult Cases,” and to foster the education of worthy students for the Dominican priesthood and brotherhood.
A person may be enrolled whether living or deceased. Enrollment can be made annually, or perpetually. Families can be enrolled as well as individuals. All those enrolled are remembered daily in prayers of the Dominican Fathers and during the Solemn Novenas at the Shrine of Saint Jude, seven times a year.
These are a wonderful way to share in our ministry of prayer, and a way to let others know they are being prayed for.

One of our Certificates
St. Jude will continue to be our Patron Saint in our good times and our desperate times. I will always be grateful for his intercessions and your prayers.
Agnes | Washington State